Cité scolaire Albert Camus
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One Life, One Reign
Article by F.L and E.M
Article mis en ligne le 30 juin 2022

par Katy Wlodarski

Queen Elizabeth II is the symbol of the British monarchy. She became Queen in February 1952 after her father’s death. She was coronated on 2nd June 1953.
A few days ago, British people celebrated her Platinum Jubilee, which means she has reigned for 70 years !

Indeed, this has been the longest reign of all British monarchy ! Elisabeth II has marked everyone’s mind forever by her colored outfits and hats of course, but also by her love for her subjects since the beginning of her reign. British people are sometimes really fans of the Royal family.

The celebration started the 2nd June with the military parade, the 4th of June the Queen was supposed to attend to a horse race at the Epsom Derby but she couldn’t because of health problems.
Then, in the evening, a concert took place in Buckingham Palace, with a lot of stars such as Ed Sheeran or Alicia Key.
Finally on June 5th, all the country participated in the Big Jubilee Lunch which consists in organizing street parties, banquets and picnics everywhere.

It was a moment of celebration for all British people around the world.

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